N O M I   E P S T E I N composer || curator


Layers for Piano (2015/18)

Reinier van Houdt, piano

Portrait CD "sounds," New Focus Recordings

Studio Recording, July 2019

Brussels, Belgium

The score presents a 3-layered texture. Each layer functions somewhat independently through dynamic, notation-type, staff, and role within the texture. The top staff offers sustained pitches, a quasi-melodic line, though disjunct as it is divided with rests between entries. The second stave's short, staccato notes are conceived of as shadow pitches to various notes in the melody. The third layer, notated on the grand staff with shaded rectangles, features very quiet cluster chords. Cluster chords are to be played as black/white note inclusive, and their placement on the staff should be carefully observed as they indicate the span and register of each cluster.
